Friday, June 6, 2008

The Thirst of Knowledge

Ignorance is Bliss ....ahem ahem...Why do I start with a statement that contradicts what I wanted to tell...hmm..may be just writing down whatever comes to mind...

It might be possible only for Google to tell that some search is completed. But everyone's heart is searching for something all through the life and there are hardly a few hearts that say that the search was completed. Do I need to give so many build ups even after putting it in the topic ? Yes, every mind is struggling hard to know so many many things that it is not able to many things that have not been taught by many things that it can never many things that are monstrous many things that are above the dimensions it can feel.

Einstein rightly said :"There are two things that can be infinite..One is the universe and other is the human stupidity and I'm not sure about the former one". It is a stupid thing to ask " What do you know ?" to a person because nobody knows anything perfectly. Is there anything in the world that you know completely ? People say that they know English ...they just know know enough to communicate with people. If you know English then you will never refer back to a dictionary again..If the human race knows Science completely, then there will be no more research going on...

Nobody knows the entire History. Nobody can ever think of mastering the subject of Mathematics. Obviously nobody knows why certain things happen in Chemistry (any discussion of this statement can be continued in the comments part) . Does anyone on this world know the whole of Music ?

Say you are very good in a game.But still do you know every nuances of the game? Do you know the name of every street in your town where you have been born and brought up ? They may be unimportant and we dont bother to know them all...all I come to say is that you will never know anything fully. But the search I meant is after things that are of ultimate importance.

We don't even know how we do things that we do everyday. Do you digest your food knowing how it is digested? Did you grow up purposefully ? Do you know how you are able to read and how you are able to understand what I say ? Does your brain know what the brain is ? Does it understand its existence by itself ?

We know ourselves to some extent only by human anatomy. Our mind needs to be taught how it should control itself. We struggling hard to imitate ourself to form the Artificial Intelligence but the question of it being possible remains still.

It is a human tendency to justify something which he cant do. So I start up with my usual mokkai (because that is my trademark )to extend a well known theory for aruguement. I ask you a question : Is it possible at all to know things ? . Well , I ll come to this answer in a round about way.

Mokkai starts:

Prof.Vijayan, a physics stud will say that to know about any particle you should ask two questions to it. 1) Where are you ? 2) Are you driving ? a particle's position and its velocity are required to know its current state. But in addition if you know its acceleration as a function of time you can tell its state at any point of time and you can say yourself that you know everything about the particle(assumed mass is known so momentum,kinetic energy and its deBroglie wavelength also known). But to give solution for any problem we should begin with the smallest speck of it and so I started with a particle. But the theory that deals with particles in a good amount is Quantum. So lets go Quantum...

Heinsenburg Uncertainity principle says that its not at all possible to know the exact position and velocity of any particle simultaneously. That means at a given time you cannot tell both its postion and velocity and so you do not know its state at any point of other words you know nothing about the particle at any point of time. Its not that we are not able to measure it but the particle itself doesn't have anything as such. Stephen Hawkin in his book "The Universe in a Nutshell" states that experiments yield that a particle can never be in a position at a point of time. It has a probability distribution function which it obeys. Atmost you can know its pdf. Extending the theory to macroscopic particles and concept, human can never know things fully. All we can know is a part of the thing which we consider given by a kind of function similar to pdf. Therefore a complete knowledge of anything is declared to be impossible.

I state a paradox here.." I know nothing". If somebody says this , then he/she knows a big truth that one has to know and so what he says becomes false. [:P]

Before I conclude, I am going to put max-mokkai :
Extension of Uncertainity principle says that there is no fate. Because even a particle has a freedom of choosing
within a certain limit where it wants to be . Nobody can force it to be in a particular state. So we too have an oppurtunity of choosing our own state under some constraints. All you need to do is understand the function of yours and get the best out of you... :)...Just leave a comment and go ahead with your work. You have already wasted a lot of time reading this. :P


Surya Oruganti said...

"Because even a particle has a freedom of choosing within a certain limit where it wants to be."
by extension:
every human can choose only within certain limit where they want to be or want to do. and hence there IS fate..
P.S: i am arguing only for the sake of arguing..
P.P.S: a more interesting read than those mentioned is "Surely u're joking, mr.feynman"
Have fun

Sivaramakrishnan said...

well.. for the sake of argument... [:P]

Sic there is a pdf for your wave function, your fate will be a sum-over-all-paths, in the quantum approach.
In the classical approach, you will take the path of least action (bcos you are lazy [;)][:P]), but in the quantum path, as you repeatedly live your life again & again, your "fate" will form a gaussian pdf...

enough phart for one comment... [:D]

Prakash said...

On the thirst of knowledge,, anybody can talk for hours,, but here are a few of my viewpoints and some arguments [ not just for the sake for arguing :P ]

"But everyone's heart is searching for something all through the life and there are hardly a few hearts that say that the search was completed."

I'd like to point out here that man's life is not just a search for something. Ok i agree ur heart might me searching for something all along but no, thats not just what life is. And not every mind hooks itself up to unundestandable things or things with more dimensions that it cant feel. [ Take my mind for instance,, its keen its active but it solves every issue that it takes up or proves that there can be nothing it alone can do. Never is it hooked on to something that it cant do. :) ]

" Does anyone on this world know the whole of Music ? "

I have a better question to you,, is it necessary to know the whole of music? what do u mean by whole of music anyways[i'm kinda bulbing on that term u see,, nothing new though :D]?

"Our mind needs to be taught how it should control itself."

Hmm., lemme get this clear you say our mind or your mind? [:P] I really dont see any nessecity of you mind to be taught to control itself. Because it knows how to control itself. Just that u need to open up a litte for that [ah,, if u r hazy abt this, dont ask me.. i dunno :D ]

"All we can know is a part of the thing which we consider given by a kind of function similar to pdf. Therefore a complete knowledge of anything is declared to be impossible."

1. Do we really need to have complete knowledge of something?
2.Are you sure about uncertainity?
Now comes my mokkai:
' If u r soo certain about uncertainity?
then the existance of certainity is a pre requisite for uncertainity, so u cant even be certain that there is a uncertainity . '

"Extension of Uncertainity principle says that there is no fate.

..under some constraints.

What is called as fate is these constraints,, atleast thats what i think is fate.

"All you need to do is understand the function of yours and get the best out of you... :)"

Do u need to understand your function ? Or do u need to get the best of u?
technically speaking Doing both isnt all that possible.

Just leave a comment and go ahead with your work. You have already wasted a lot of time reading this. :P

My work(so called..) is to put mokkai to mokkais and put good(atleast lengthy :P ) comments to blogs :D

Naveen said...

0.@anyone who is reading this: Look at the P.S's first. It might save you some time and trouble... :-)

1. " other words you know nothing about the particle at any point of time..."
----> relativ(ely? || istically?) wrong... you should at least know that the particle exists and that itself is sufficient in many cases :-)

2. "...Extending the theory to macroscopic particles and concept, human can never know things fully..."
---> hmmm... the extension is not strong enough because the man can say that he is sane and healthy both at the same time... and when he says that he knows, he means he knows fully well that he is both sane and healthy :-D But this is enough for mokkai, I suppose ;-)

3. About fate...
What if I define fate itself as the freedom you are given, to choose?? Then, your theory conclusively supports the existence of fate :-D

It all lies in the way one looks at things... :-) There are uncertainties in everything, I 100% agree (oops!!... did I just contradict Heisenberg again? sorry if I did... :-)) But still, there are circumstances where something can be complete by itself though it is not complete as a part of something bigger... :-D

Nice post... Arun the Philosopher!
keep up your enthu :-)... ( to whatever limit of uncertainty it allows you to do so)

P.S 0: I would like to put a disclaimer here.
I am very sorry that I am almost writing a blog-post in the comment space of another blog... Fate doesn't allow me to do it in my blog :-D (still if you insist--- .. )(click on the particle... yes, one particle only, not two! )

P.S 1:
Re: P.S 0
I am atleast better than Prakash :-D :-D

P.S 2: Now I know why a .pdf file takes so much time to open initially... :-D :-D :-D

Arun said...

I am happy to see that the comments for this post is bigger than my first post itself ..:P...thanks for ur enthu...

And regarding fate, i mean u cant restrict something in a fixed position...note fixed..whenever a freedom is given even though the limit is restricted u still have a chance of choosing...u cant say that its human fate that we cant fly by ourself...we are now choosing an option within the given limits to fly using an aeroplane or something we can overcome it...

Another theory tat tells abt freedom with restrictions is matter wat u do, u can't be in a place which is 4 lakh km away from ur present point in this universe the next second (time measured from same frame of reference)..thats a restriction ..but u dont have any restiction in choosing ur direction or the exact location in the sphere of radius c.

Vikranth said...

seeing the comments...i think even i can comment that big...but making it short..
1) i agree on the infiniteness of HUMAN STUPIDITY..nice phrase that u put up..

2) thanx for putting up--nobody knows why certain things happen in Chemistry.

3) copy from prakashs comment...:-P

AKILA said...

I'm speechless

In search of words... ;)

adithi said...

hey....nice to see u've also been bitten by da blogging bug...[;)]
interesting post..i must confess i'm not going to say anything abt da "mokkais" u have 'put' but i'd just like to say i don't see the point or da need to know nothing or everything...lifes good da way it is..[:P]
basically,if u've not yet noticed,i'm very lazy and don't care too much eitherways...[;)][:P]
da last mention of fate was good...again very debatable...[:D]

Kashyap Puranik said...

Stud da machcha!
I dint know there were blogs that discuss serious stuff too.( even though thats wat blogs are for )
Cool man when I was reading the first 2 paragraphs I had no clue that your post would eventually Yend up with science if u take it. :)
Cool man keep writing things like these. Good twist in story man?

Kashyap Puranik said...

where s the inductor thing by the way?

Anonymous said...

You know what the irony is? We don't even know what exactly we mean when we say that we know something!....LOL...nice post for all those 'I know it all' types!!

Anonymous said...

nice blog dude....discusses topics ranging from philosophy to entertainment.....but why are u rusting it??.....